At Hands On Health, we practice a family centered approach to massage therapy. We believe that children who grow up in an environment where Mom and Dad take care of themselves with massage, healthy diet, and a dose of exercise, are more likely to embrace this same lifestyle as they age into having families of their own. Taking care from early childhood and on builds strong beliefs that a healthy body depends on personal efforts, will, and determination. Why not give youngsters a boost by making healthy living a lifestyle that is second nature? Let’s be the last generation that has to swim against the tide.
We embrace a family connection to massage therapy that often starts with parents who receives massage for pain and stress relief. Once they experience pain free range of motion, faster healing time post-surgery, or one of the many other beneficial effects of massage, they begin to wonder if the lingering pain in their child’s hip from an old soccer injury can be treated with massage. This spiral reach even extends to their own parents whose aging aching bodies bounce back with vitality after their first few massages.
One of our therapists, Meridith Glass, shared: “I will never forget the joy and pride that came from teaching a daughter how to massage her mother and help her recover after a stroke.” Anyone is welcome to bring a friend or loved one along and learn massage from one of our trained therapists. Once learned, these massage techniques can be taken home and used to soothe young children to sleep, help a spouse find restful sleep, or encourage elderly parents when they are disheartened.
When you get home tonight, talk about how wonderful it was to receive a massage today and help get everyone involved in healthy living!
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Hands On Health Massage Therapy And Wellness
7980 Chapel Hill Road, Ste 125
Cary NC 27513