Being a man comes with a host of pressures imposed by self and society. Buck up. What’s a little pain for a lot of gain? Take care of your family first. There’s always tomorrow … today I’ve got the Honey-do List I want to get through. At Hands On Health, we’d like to say that all those pressures are real and you are right to be concerned. After all, who is better than you to know what is too much for your body and mind? You might even think that it’s unmanly to ask for help or if you do seek help … would it really be your place to speak up and direct the expert?
Is it possible to embrace your masculine side and still reach out for help and communicate with health providers? There are ways to maintain dignity while at the same time sharing that you don’t know how to take care of a certain nagging concern.
Consider this:
1. You’ve received massage therapy many many times before. This time the applied pressure seems a bit excessive. You decide not to speak up. After all, maybe the results will be better with more pressure. Reality check: a balance of some discomfort with a lot of soothing pressure interspersed will yield long term results whereas the former may just add to the injury and at minimum yield little to no long term results. Rather than succumb to pressure that causes you to grin and bear down, ask the therapist to lower the volume of pressure by a bit. I like to tell the therapist to back off the pressure as if he or she were tuning a sensitive radio. Just an ounce less and magically the session yields great results. After all, who wants the therapist to back way off. Just a little bit will do.
2. Don’t hesitate to share your pain and fatigue with your doctor but also direct your doctor to think conservatively. Asking your doctor about massage therapy and how often you should visit might really help you embrace this healing method as truly a part of today’s healing culture.
3. Rather than stress about life … embrace tools around you that will help you manage tough times. Ask your deep tissue therapist to change methods for a time or two … you know he or she can give a great deep tissue massage for tendonitis and back spasms but what method is best for rejuvenating from stress and life’s disappointments?
We encourage you to take your health in your hands. Don’t limit yourself by false beliefs. With manliness comes showing your body how much you respect it and care to keep it healthy.
Happy Father’s Day! Play, relax, exercise, smile, check something off the to-do list.
Read More:
Exercises For A Health Happy Father’s Day
Men Who Exercise Gain in Dollars and $ense
Low Testosterone, Mood, and Libido
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Hands On Health Massage Therapy And Wellness
7980 Chapel Hill Road, Ste 125
Cary NC 27513