Saturday is a special day for me … a gaggle of babies and a parent or two … they’ll be learning some things that makes little ones coo. What will it be?, say you who who. (Dr. Seuss, meet your maker – wink).
Do you remember your first massage? It’s likely your mother and father soothed your belly aches and wiggly legs and toes with massage. Did you know that you can learn these techniques directly from our expert hands? Bring them home and cherish them for a lifetime.
Share this blog with expectant parents, grandparents, and friends. Learn more about Hands On Health’s pregnancy massage and infant massage services. Will you be attending a shower soon? Purchase a package for parents and baby; their bodies and minds will thank you.
Infant and newborn massage has many benefits. Don’t miss this well written article, Touch Communication, The Power Of Infant Massage by Elaine Fogel Schneider, Ph.D., C.I.I.M. Thank you, Elaine, for explaining the power of touch and it’s benefits to families!
A big thank you to Cary Public Library and most importantly – Thank You to our parent & baby guests for giving Hands On Health the opportunity to spread the joy of infant massage.
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Hands On Health Massage Therapy And Wellness
7980 Chapel Hill Road, Ste 125
Cary NC 27513