As massage therapists, we are well aware of the devastating effects a stroke has on it’s victim and the victim’s family. Survival and minimizing stroke damage all depends on how quickly the signs are recognized and treated by medical professionals. Young and old can have a stroke. You might be at a board meeting and notice a member suffering slurred speech, a sudden headache, or sudden numbness. Memorize these symptoms of a stroke. You might just save the life and quality of life of a loved one, a friend, or yourself.
If you suffer any of those symptoms, or the ones listed below, get immediate medical attention!
- A sudden severe headache without apparent reason;
- Sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arms, legs, or one whole side of the body
- Sudden loss or dimness of vision especially if it’s only in one eye;
- Sudden loss of balance, unsteady gait, unexplained dizziness;
- Sudden confusion, slurred speech, or difficulty swallowing;
- Sudden loss of consciousness
What is a transient ischemic attack (TIA)?
A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is an event, sometimes called a mini-stroke, or stroke symptoms that always last less than 24 hours before disappearing. While TIAs generally do not cause permanent brain damage, they are a serious warning sign of stroke and should not be ignored!
More than 1/3 of all people who have experienced a TIA will go on to have an actual stroke.
- 5% will have a stroke within 2 days of their TIA
- 11% will have a stroke within 90 days
- 14% within 1 year
- 20% within 2 years
Symptoms of a TIA are the same as those of a stroke. Even if you see their symptoms for a brief period of time, urge them to see a doctor immediately. Every minute counts!
A special thank you to and the 2012 National AMTA Convention for assistance in writing this article.
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Hands On Health Massage Therapy And Wellness
7980 Chapel Hill Road, Ste 125
Cary NC 27513